ExtJs file upload panel
A while ago, I tried to create a reusable file upload management panel for the internal intranet system. So I ended up making an extension from a grid panel with DnD and multiple files upload field. This solution allows user to select multiple files to upload as long as the browser supports HTML5. It also indicates the upload progress on each file.

This widget validates file names and sizes on the client side instead of server side. The file does not need to be uploaded to server to validate its properties. Since the file is streamed to server, you may need to work out how you handle the code on the server side. I have provided a simple php code at the end of this article for anyone to start with.

Anyway in order to make this widget to work, you may need the following three extensions.
by Elvis Hsu 1 comment Read More
My Codility test experience
I've just recently relocated from Australia to Switzerland. Other than learning German, looking for a job is one of my big tasks as well.

Last week, I got a email from the company who asked me to take a short online test. I need to answer four questions within 130 minutes. Base on the score of the test, I will be possibly getting an interview either by phone or in person. That's the moment I discovered the site "Codility".

I didn't think about it too much and just started its demo test in order to get familiar with the test environment. To be honest, I didn't like it but I had to suck it up.

I spent about 5-8 minutes to understand the demo question and took about 18 minutes to write and test my code. I eventually submitted the answer. Well, it didn't go well. I only got score 18. That was the moment I understood how it works. Again, I still don't like it.

Anyway, I registered an account in order to get some more tests but they only provide few questions in programming, one for bug fixing and one for standard SQL. Some warm-up questions are pretty easy but some hurt my brain. Although I have many years of programming experience, some questions are really tough. I need to take hours to get a better score.
by Elvis Hsu 13 comments Read More
Apps I use the most on my Mac
Well, it is quite interesting. Most of the time I develop applications in Windows environments but I use Macbook Pro. I believe many Windows developers have similar situation as well.

I am a Windows user since the first day I touched computers. I started to use Mac from 2011 because my previous employer wanted to be an authorised Apple reseller. Therefore I had to be an certified support engineer so I got a chance to start playing OS X and OS X server. So anyway, long story short, I became a full time Mac user since then.

This article is going to show you the OS X apps I use the most on a daily basis. If you have any opinions, please feel free to post your comments.
by Elvis Hsu No comments Read More
A while ago, I came across designing a kiosk web application for one of my clients. Since it is a web application so I think I should utilise the features of HTML5 and CSS3. Well, as usual, I started to do some researches about the animation functions of CSS3. I read the guide from Mozilla and other useful articles such as CSS-Tricks, W3Schools and CSS3 Please. I have to admit that CSS3 really makes a developer's job easier on animations. I don't need to write a single code on Javascript and I still can make a good animation.

Anyway, one of the key features of this project is to indicate the patient/customer how to swipe the card when they look at the screen of the kiosk. Instead of reading the boring descriptions, a easy-to-understand animation would guide the patient to swipe the card correctly and properly. This sample code was inspired by Ben Everard's post on Github. It was all I needed to start decorating the layout of the swiping card screen.
by Elvis Hsu 1 comment Read More