Today I was think how to optimize the drawing string method on my library... so far I worked out this... However I still couldn't workout how to really wrap long string within the sentence...
Any help?
public static string [] WrapString ( this Graphics gx , Font font , string text , float maxWidth , bool wrap )
// find if actual max text width is smaller than max width or maxWidth is smaller than zero or wrap is set to false
if ( gx . MeasureString ( text , font ). Width < maxWidth || maxWidth <= 0 || ! wrap )
return text . Split ( new char [] { '\n' });
int maxChars = ( int )( maxWidth / ( gx . MeasureString ( "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ.0123456789" , font ). Width / 37 ));
//text = text.BreakLongString(maxChars);
text = text . Replace ( Environment . NewLine , "\n" );
text = text . Replace ( "\r" , "" );
text = text . Replace ( "\t" , " " );
string [] words = text . Split ( new char [] { ' ' });
List < string > lines = new List < string >(( int )( text . Length / maxChars ));
string currentLine = "" ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < words . Length ; i ++)
// if the word is empty, then repace it to one space
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( words [ i ]))
words [ i ] = " " ;
float currWidth = gx . MeasureString ( currentLine + " " + words [ i ], font ). Width ;
// check if the current width is greater than max length
if ( currWidth < maxWidth )
// if first entry, then put current line to the first word
if (( lines . Count == 0 ) & amp ;& amp ; string . IsNullOrEmpty ( currentLine ))
currentLine = words [ i ];
// if not, append each word to current line
currentLine += " " + words [ i ];
// check if the currentline has \n in there.
string [] newLines = currentLine . Split ( '\n' );
// if it does, then add a new line
if ( newLines . Length > 1 )
// do not loop to last as it will be the new currentline
for ( int j = 0 ; j < newLines . Length - 1 ; j ++)
lines . Add ( newLines [ j ]);
// the current line is the last line of the new lines
currentLine = newLines [ newLines . Length - 1 ];
// if the currentline width is greater than max width
// then add a new line to the list
if (! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( currentLine ))
lines . Add ( currentLine );
// make the current line to the last word
currentLine = words [ i ];
// if still has word, add it to the list
if (! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( currentLine ))
lines . Add ( currentLine );
return lines . ToArray ();