Coding, thoughts, technology and ideas.

Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve.

A short update from me
A short update from me
It has been a while since I post a blog page on Blogger which was created back in 2013. So I took an opportunity to...
Showcase the blog site elements
Showcase the blog site elements
The standard paragraphs Welcome to this demo page! Here, you’ll get an exclusive preview of our cutting-edge platform designed to revolutionise your digital experience. Our...
Issue with
Issue with "Don't track your own pageviews"
Do you use your own domain name with Blogger? Do you place “Blogger’s Stats Widget” on your page? Or do you regularly check up the...
Build your own Related Posts widget for Blogger
Build your own Related Posts widget for Blogger
I have visited many blog sites and most of them have "<b>Related Posts</b>" or "<b>You may also like -</b> " section for visitors who like...
Flickr Photo Gallery with Colorbox in jQuery
Flickr Photo Gallery with Colorbox in jQuery
Last week I updated my Blogger site to be responsive and optimised the page load time. Whilst doing those optimisation, I was looking for a...
Summarising your Blogger posts
Summarising your Blogger posts
I use a simple JavaScript function to summarise the posts on the home page of this blog. It worked quite well since the hasn’t...
Start your own MVC Framework with PHP
Start your own MVC Framework with PHP
I have been using ASP .NET MVC for many years. It is a complex framework but not difficult to learn (at least for .NET developers)....
Edit your CSS and JavaScript files on Google Drive
Edit your CSS and JavaScript files on Google Drive
Well, I like It is free and it allows me to play around the source code of templates. Since last year, I started to...
Generate MetaData for ExtJs Data Reader
Generate MetaData for ExtJs Data Reader
Metadata is one of my most used properties in It allows me to pass custom data/configuration to Grid Panel, Form, ComboBox and other components without...